Acts of Celebration

Listed on April 28, 2014 in Blogs!

There’s always something wonderful about hearing and seeing what students achieve. Only last week a group of painters did some amazing work in gouache – mainly animals and plants. That was Simon Williams’ course. This weekend we hosted a course on Gregorian plainchant with John Rowlands-Pritchard. The summation of the weekend was a public concert with readings and music on the theme of Angels. Students were joined by Opus Anglicanum – five professional singers and a narrator – John Tuohey ex-BBC World Service announcer. The performance standard was fantastically high and was received enthusiastically. Many of the students would not have sung in public before and therefore I am sure the experience will not be forgotten quickly. Of course, this was an exceptional event in many ways but it reminds me of the importance of celebrating what we learn – whether that’s by recapping on the experience or through more demonstrable means.