Algorithms across the ether…

Listed on October 29, 2014 in Blogs!

This social media thing is a strange beast. The cynic in me thinks it is like a Tower of Babel with everyone talking but nobody listening – let alone understanding. That said, we keep hearing about all sorts of news that’s instantly posted and distributed around the world to like-minded people. The BBC is constantly going on about listeners who are saying things on Facebook and Twitter. The question is are we bothered what other people think or is it just the BBC conveying a message that they are listening to what their listeners are saying? That now gets very political so I will avoid developing the argument which could cut either way. So, as for social media more specifically, we find it springs connections in bizarre places. It’s all to do with algorithms – computers looking out for keywords and then automatically throwing things together. We recently did a tweet (on Twitter, if you didn’t know) and this was picked up in the USA and then re-tweeted to a whole load of other people. Similarly something happened with the British Museum who are following us and we follow them on Facebook. This brings me to our new social media cards. Delivered yesterday they feature a photo of Dillington House by Helen Hooker on one side and a photo by Will Price of The Hyde on the other. There on the card you will find all of the social media addresses plus our website and e-mail address too. Now I am reminded that of that old adage, if you can’t beat them, join them.