Looking Back, Looking Forward
Listed on December 17, 2013 in Blogs!As we approach the shortest day and gently begin to panic over the home arrangements for Christmas it occurs to me that it is also the time to take stock of the past year and to prepare for the new year ahead.
2013 has been a year when at last the economic gloom seems to be lightening and business confidence is returning. That said, things are still very grim in local government with continuing reductions in funding that will continue to have an effect on the provision of public services. The scale of these reductions in coming years is so great that one wonders at what stage people start shouting and getting very cross. Most service losses so far have not been felt by the public at large but that is about to change. One just hopes that the populace at large doesn’t respond like the Greeks and take to the streets in violent protest!
On a more positive note, civilisation goes on and most people are getting by alright. Our forward bookings are up and we continue to adjust our business model in response to changes in the markets we operate. Sitting on our laurels is something we’ve never done. 2014 is going to be a big year when the optimism of markets will be tested. We will be developing further our website and our marketing strategy in order to get new clients and customers beating a path to our door. We will continue to place a very high priority on developing our standards of service so that everyone’s experience is first rate. There will be inevitable adjustments in some areas but these are to be expected and ultimately they are necessary for ongoing success. All in all I am quite excited by 2014…oh yes, and there is a very big birthday in May as well. Now that will be something to blog about.