Harmony singing across the globe

Harmony singing across the globe

Listed on June 10, 2014 in Member News

Having quickly sold out his annual July singing weekend in the Lake District, Chris Rowbury is pleased to announce that there are still places left on his residential world music singing weekend at Farncombe in the Cotswolds on 25 – 27 July.

AROUND THE WORLD IN SONG — residential weekend

Friday 25 July 6pm to Sunday 27 July 2pm

Farncombe Courses, Broadway (Cotswolds) WR12 7LJ

Come on an imaginary journey to learn more about our world through song by exploring harmony singing across the globe. A weekend of glorious songs, fun and laughter. No experience needed – just a love of singing!

You will learn a variety of songs from a range of traditions and cultures. There will be warm-ups, simple songs to get you going and more complex songs in several parts that offer worthwhile challenges.

Book via the Farncombe website: http://farncombecourses.co.uk/our-course/world-song/ email enquiries@FarncombeCourses.co.uk or phone 0333 456 8580
