Ideal for specialist tutors that offer informal courses for adults but do not run an event programme
- Add contact email, telephone and website
- Add a photo
- Add a description
- Unlimited list of subjects
- Pinpoint location on the map
- £5 – £30
For course programme organisers offering lifelong learning courses in the UK or elsewhere in Europe
- Add organiser profile with banner photo
- List all contact details
- Optional link to Facebook page
- Unlimited course entries in the Calendar
- List all subjects
- List all course locations
- Receive brochure enquiries
- RSS syndication to the Blogs! page
- 1 Free place at the Standing Conference 2014
- Optional upgrade to add separate Venue page
- £75 – £300
Suitable for programme organisers or tutors to list one-off educational events, retreats or study breaks
- List contact telephone & email address
- Add event details & booking link
- Banner photograph
- Add venue location to map
- £20 per course
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