More than just a room…

Listed on July 17, 2014 in Blogs!

Every day at Dillington elicits extraordinary conversations between colleagues or with visitors and sometimes both. Yesterday we were talking about how our conference business was picking up as we emerge, slowly, blinking out of the darkness of the longest and deepest economic recession for more than a century. What was interesting was how we felt that the Dillington proposition was far more than just offering rooms for a meeting or two. What we have is significantly about the ambiance, the environment, the people and our focus on getting the service right every time. Of particular importance, we thought, is our openness to fostering a creative culture and a spirit of intellectual adventure at Dillington. This isn’t just about the arts in any broad sense but about welcoming organisations and individuals with imagination in thought and action. Of course this chimes with the fact that businesses today need to be imaginative in what they do and how they do it because nothing really stands still for any length of time anymore. The world is changing and we have to change too. What then emerges is sense of shared values. People first, yes, but a spirit of adventure and experiment as well. That’s what makes Dillington different and special.