Take a relaxing, fun weekend to consider and explore a whole range of ideas and topics associated with weaving effects. You will use unconventional materials such as wire to construct a warp and then develop a weft (that’s the one from left to right!). You will focus on unusual combinations using a variety of materials within the woven process. Starting with simple design preparation from a source of your choice – (themes from nature, abstract art are ideal) or other subjects that appeal to you to develop colour and textures. A 12” wooden frame will be used to assemble a wire warp for the Wild Weaving. You will also consider beading and surface embellishment.
As the course develops, your themes will extend with a contemporary take on “needle weaving”. Using a coloured warp on the frame or metal ring, you will work with a combination of modern yarns, darning, buttonhole stitches and beads to create your own unique piece of woven textile art.
Wild Weaving is suitable for all who are interested in creative textile work, whether beginners or experienced stitchers.