Kate Williams on Writing History

Listed on September 21, 2015 in Blogs!

Arvon tutor Kate Williams‘ tips on history writing, in anticipation of her Arvon course at The Hurst in November.

When it comes to history, research is so important – but it isn’t always the sort of research you can use directly: diaries, letters, archive records are all vital along with secondary sources and biographies.


I couldn’t agree more with all those writers who say, keep reading until you can hear the voices of your characters… then it’s time to write.


I think Ernest Hemingway gave all writers a precious tip ‘Always stop while you are going good: it takes great force of will to get up when the words and ideas are still fizzing in your brain. But if you do – it means that your imagination is even more eager to get going on the following day…

HISTORY WRITING: Creative Imagination and the Past

The Hurst

exterior the hurstWhatever your interest in history, this course will enable you to bring your ideas to life on the page. We will look at the construction of narrative from sources, the question of voice and tone, and the tricky issue of fact versus dramatisation.

Our focus throughout will be on making history e
njoyable and engaging for your readers. History is an exciting and dynamic genre, though it can be challenging to convey. This week will help you find the voice to bring history to life.

Single room price: £725
Shared room price: £680
Bookings and more info here

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