BioBlitz Cambridge 2014
Listed on June 8, 2014 in Member NewsBioBlitz is a nationwide initiative that engages people with biodiversity, inviting you to get directly involved in surveying and monitoring your local wildlife and green spaces.
Join us for BioBlitz Cambridge 2014 on 27–28 June!
Starting at 5pm on Friday 27 June 2014, experts, volunteers and members of the public will be racing against time to count as many species of animals and plants as possible in the beautiful grounds of Madingley Hall on the outskirts of Cambridge.
Activities will include moth trapping, butterfly hunts, minibeast hunts, pond-dipping, early-morning bird walks, tours of the gardens, and more. For a full list of events and to book visit www.eventbrite.co.uk.
For further information please email marketing@ice.cam.ac.uk